Leaves are falling. Pumpkin-themed everything surrounds us. The Seahawks are back. Boots and jackets need to be taken out of storage. Fall is finally upon us. If your kids enjoy fall and want to talk about this fun season, this is the blog post for you. Baby signs are a great way to encourage your child to talk about the world around them even before they are using words. We recommend choosing 1-3 signs that you’d like to first introduce to your kiddo.

Leaf: When your child notices the colorful leaves or leaves that have fallen, show them this sign.
Rain: It wouldn’t be a Washington fall without a little rain.
Pumpkin: Whether you are picking pumpkins, you spy pumpkin decorations, or you decide to try out one of our pumpkin crafts, model the pumpkin sign. There will be lots of opportunities around you!
Cold: The air starts to get a little cooler during the fall. Use this sign when you are getting their coat ready or you feel a breeze.
Apple: A delicious fall snack.
Football: When the Seahawks are playing or when your kid is throwing their own football around, use this sign.
Boots: Muddy weather means it is time to break out the boots!
Happy signing 😊 For more baby signs, check out our previous blog post on beginner baby signs.
If you have concerns about your child’s development, don’t hesitate to start the early intervention process today.